Name :   Nick N.
Date :   30-Dec-07
URL :   
Comment :   This site is awsome! great instructions and pictures. Paper to the MAX!!!
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Brandon Hamer
Date :   27/12/07
URL :   
Comment :   Great website. Happy Folding!
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Carol Good
Date :   December 15, 2007
URL :   
Comment :   Beautiful
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Lavanya
Date :   12/14/2007
Comment :   Hi Your website is awesome... so many varieties ... i m just a beginner in origami and your site is so motivating...
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Evelyn
Date :   11-30-07
URL :   
Email Address (optional) :   NONE
Name :   Samar Das
Date :   30-Nov-07
Comment :   Nice work!! Not very easy though....takes lot of effort I guess !
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Danae Zarate
Date :   
URL :   
Comment :   Hola: Me gustarìa saber como puedo obtener sus libros. gracias
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Grace
Date :   2007/06/08
URL :   
Comment :   Your origami site is the best I have seen so far. I purchased your book and I love it.
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Nicole
Date :   5-6-07
URL :   
Comment :   Your website for your diagrams and origamis are great...I didnt know you could do that many things with just paper...
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Pete
Date :   Subacz
URL :   
Comment :   These modules are awesome. I really like them.
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Vivou
Date :   june 2nd
URL :   
Comment :   I just wanted to tell you that I have just bought your book, and I am in love with it!!! Thank you!
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Casie
Date :   Chen
URL :   
Comment :   I really like your diagrams. A lot of people I know find them confusing, but if you look at them enough, you can see how the pieces just fit.
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Gaki
Date :   May 24/07
URL :   
Comment :   I have been toying with smaller modular pieces but im looking forward to trying out the ones from your book!
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Janet H E Lim
Date :   15 May 07
URL :   Nil
Comment :   What a lovely array of Origami. I was searching for a website which teaches me to make paper balls for my 2 year grandson and came upon yours. Alas, Im not clever at making the balls, though Ive bought some instruction booklets which teach me to make cran
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Abbassidian
Date :   15th May 07
URL :   
Comment :   Decent site... mite try a few of these thing when i cut down my next tree for all the paper :P
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   govind kulkarni
Date :   15/05/2007
URL :   
Comment :   dir, your origami models are awesome. very inspiring and tempting to make them. thanks for the free diagrams.
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Derek
Date :   5-13-07
URL :   
Comment :   Just picked up a copy at Borders. It took me a little searching to find it cause their crafts section lacks some organization, but I found it, and I cant wait to begin folding. =) http
Email Address (optional) :   djonthenet at adelphia dot net
Name :   Demona
Date :   May 11
URL :   
Comment :   I really like the origami on your web site it looks really hard to do.
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   louis
Date :   5-8-07
URL :   
Comment :   origami is pretty difficult
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Micky
Date :   08.05.2007
URL :   
Comment :   I´m waiting for your book since it´s published, but amazon can´t deliver it yet! I hope to get it soon, because your origami balls are so beautiful!
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Justin
Date :   May 6th 2007
URL :   
Comment :   Holy crap origami is hard. Nice site though really helps to show how much there really is out there.
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Derek
Date :   5-4-07
URL :   
Comment :   Congratulations on getting your book published! I just checked online and the Borders nearest to me has it in stock, so Ill have to pick up a copy next time Im out. =)
Email Address (optional) :   djonthenet at adelphia dot net
Name :   AMANDA
Date :   5/3/07
Comment :   THOSE BALLS ARE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Melissa P
Date :   04-27-07
URL :   
Comment :   Thank you for the wonderful site! I adore everything origami, and have become so engrossed in it I can hardly get anything else done! I just got Tomoko Fuses Unit Origami book, and Ive been having great fun! Looking forward to seeing and exploring many, m
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Dasha, Tanya from Russia
Date :   
URL :   
Comment :   Weve been interesting at origami for several years, using it in class, summer camp tointertain children. Our favourites are kusudamas. Your site is very friendly, beautiful and interesting. Thank you. We are going to send you some photos soon. Great to ta
Email Address (optional) :   magicletter!
Name :   Erica
Date :   April 26,2007
Comment :   cool Site
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   sydney
Date :   4 26 07
URL :   
Comment :   hey there are some pretty cool things on here but they are a little to hard for me. did you make thease things youself cause if so thats pretty unbeliveable and awesome. well good luck. bye
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Tori
Date :   
URL :   
Comment :   OMG, thank YOU!! THis is an awesome site, thank you for providing it! There are so many instructions, and thatll leave me doing origami for HOURS. THANK U!!
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   claudia
Date :   21/04/07
URL :   
Comment :   hi this site is brill
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Premnath
Date :   April 17
URL :   
Comment :   Suprising variety in content, I was not aware that so much can be created by means of folds
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Chase Coble
Date :   April 25
URL :   Yoyoyoy
Comment :   hey my specialty is flowers in origami and it helps with the ladies.
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   brianna
Date :   4-11-07
URL :   
Comment :   this site is amazing!!!!!!!!!!
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   jema
Date :   30/3/07
URL :   
Comment :   hi this site is great
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Viji Ravi
Date :   26/03/07
URL :   
Comment :   Meenakshi I tried to reach u by e-mail. I would like to buy your book . I live in Chennai, India. Could u tell me how I could get one. Could U pls confirm this mail. Thanks, Viji
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   cye newman
Date :   07/17/07
URL :   
Comment :   enjoyed it
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   alberto, españa, albacete concretamente
Date :   
URL :   
Comment :   muyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wenos los modulares, me encantaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan veeeeeeeeeeeryyyyyyyyyy cool modulars, really i looooooooove it
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   unknown
Date :   2007-03-10
URL :   
Comment :   This is a sweet site but can u put the Ishibashi Minako/Japanese brocade.Also known as Ishibashi ball a very nice variation of the Sonobe unit.
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   golk
Date :   3/9/07
URL :   youla()
Comment :   cool
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   kin
Date :   3-5-07
URL :   
Comment :   cool origami but i wish you had the instructions for the ryu-zin
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   ivana ;-)
Date :   02.03.2007.
Comment :   Your origami is so cool! I would like that your page had a standard and a little more simplier origami. But this is fine too!
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   adam
Date :   02/29/07
URL :   
Comment :   i`m a kid that`s interested in origamis
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   zain
Date :   1 march
URL :   origami
Comment :   very good defnetly getting book
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Phoebe
Date :   2/27/07 Tuesday
URL :   
Comment :   I like this website a lot!!!!!!!!
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Emily
Date :   2/24/07
URL :   
Comment :   this work is amazing...i wish i was that good
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Allix
Date :   2-24-07
URL :   
Comment :   loads of fun, fun yet hard
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Eloise
Date :   24 febuary 2007
URL :   
Comment :   anazing stuff but it needs more variety.
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Aisha
Date :   2/16/2007
URL :   
Comment :   ive been getting patterns and ideas off of this site since high school (im a freshmen in college now) and i still get excited when i make something new. cant wait for your book.
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   mahie
Date :   
Comment :   magnifique site et magnifiques creations. je naurai quun mot bravo
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Timothy Galisin
Date :   13/02/07
URL :   
Comment :   I like your modular origami site but i noticed that not all models have their instruction especially kusudama.can you fix that problem?
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   jaime hernàndez
Date :   11-02-07
URL :   
Comment :   One fo the most exciting origami pages. I´d apreciate to know the non published instructions
Email Address (optional) :   hernandezjai@hotmail
Name :   Emily Kunz
Date :   2/11/2007
URL :   
Comment :   Those origami things were really complicated. Good Job
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Gwen
Date :   02/04/2007
URL :   
Comment :   I just started folding money into shapes because I received one as a gift. I think this is alot of fun. I have a very hard time understanding the directions in a new book I bought. I think it must be too advanced for me. Your designs are beautiful. I will
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   xiaotao
Date :   2-1-07
URL :   ???
Comment :   nice, but too hard
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Jorge Tobaru
Date :   01/29/07
URL :   
Comment :   You are a Sonobe master, wow im amazed! did u take classes?
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Jorge Ojeda
Date :   12/01/2007
URL :   
Comment :   Thanks for you beautiful modular Origami
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Litta
Date :   01/01/2007
URL :   
Comment :   THANK YOU!!! You made my day and who knows; maybe my whole year!
Email Address (optional) :