Name :   bo
Date :   28.12.06
URL :   
Comment :   really cool modular origami! good job!!
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Name :   m.
Date :   
URL :   
Comment :   thanks for sharing and taking the time to post all of these. they are greatly appreciated!
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Name :   Derek
Date :   12-20-06
URL :   
Comment :   Meenakshi -- its great to see your book finally coming to fruition! I will definitely have to order it, as Ive been desperately wanting to know how to fold some of those floral balls for a LONG time! =)
Email Address (optional) :   djonthenet at adelphia dot net
Name :   Annie, Australia
Date :   28.11.06
URL :   
Comment :   Hi! i would just like to compliment you on your great acheivement with origami. I really like the florals.
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Name :   Jodi
Date :   
Comment :   great designs, love them!
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Name :   mindy
Date :   10/5/06
Comment :   hi! i saw ur site when i wus trying 2 look 4 how to make chicken origami...but ur creations are so beautiful and wonderful! just leavin sum props!
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Ashleigh
Date :   23/ August/2006
URL :   
Comment :   The person who makes these things must have very good control of the paper. i went to your site because i am doing an assignment
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Name :   Janie
Date :   8/15/06
URL :   
Comment :   Beautiful, makes me want to get out paper and try them
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Name :   Stephanie
Date :   7/28/06
URL :   
Comment :   This is such a great site! I was looking for some fun projects to do with kids that I tutor in math and ended up getting completely hooked myself. The kids have enjoyed the curls and some of the simple geometric shapes and I have gotten embroiled in knoto
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   Martin
Date :   28/7/2006
URL :   
Comment :   Thanks a lot for your diagrams, I enjoy it so much. And.... Im working with some people that works to Portal Software in Argentina. :-)
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   origamigirl
Date :   26 Jul 06
Comment :   I love your site. The 30 piece models are very challenging. Have made a sonobe cube and a 12 piece model so far. Cant wait for your book to be out.
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Name :   Rory
Date :   
URL :   
Comment :   nice, making a modular thingy with bus tickets at the mo (theyre perfect 2:1 ratio)
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Name :   bob
Date :   june 17, 2006
Comment :   love origami stars, i have PAPER!!!!!!!! so I made stars THANX
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   bob
Date :   feb 25, 2006
URL :   
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Name :   Mariska
Date :   6-13-2006
Comment :   Your origami is amazing! I love those flowery ones. When your book comes out I will buy it!
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Name :   evgenij(Russia)
Date :   10 june
URL :   
Comment :   Very beautifull site! thank you for your work!
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Sean
Date :   June 8
Comment :   Hello, I very much enjoyed viewing your website. I wanted you to know of my own site. The address is included. Please take a look, and let me know what your thoughts are. Happy viewing! Sean
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Fernando Villafuerte
Date :   26 - 05 - 2006
Comment :   Warm place... nice family, for what I saw in your photos, interesting life...
Email Address (optional) :   **fernandosvillafuerte -\ hot -\mail**
Name :   Derek
Date :   5-13-2006
URL :   
Comment :   I absolutely love this site, and I cannot wait until your book is published!!!
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Name :   Sherri
Date :   4-26-06
Comment :   nice site. love the art!
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Name :   Ivy
Date :   4/25/06
URL :   
Comment :   I really like your web site
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Name :   Martin Welch
Date :   4/18/2006
URL :   
Comment :   enjoy Your Site Very Much!Could Somebody Give Me Advice on Making Geospheres (Modules)
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   Jan
Date :   Mar24/06
URL :   
Comment :   This site is really cool. First time visit and I am amazed with all the pictures and stuff here. WOW...Thank you very much
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   B. Foster; BA/BFA
Date :   03/23/06
Comment :   Thanks so much for this site. My work lately has been using paper integrated in may forms of mixed media Specifically I am searching for shells-seashells and leaves (from a tree...) Thanks for taking the time to share this with others. Lovely site and
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Name :   Free Kid Game
Date :   3/4/1985
Comment :   Hi. Visted the site and its all very nice but regular update is super.
Email Address (optional) :
Name :   kan
Date :   March7, 06
Comment :   Can anyone tell me how to make the joining tabs(both suqare and triangular) for the above windmill cubic and cuboctahedral ?? thank you
Email Address (optional) :   
Name :   P. Liu
Date :   March 5, 06
URL :   
Comment :   Words fail me in describing the utterly amazing, incredible and wonderful works you have displayed:D Thank you and keep up the good work! Happy folding!
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Name :   noemia
Date :   02/05/2006
URL :   
Comment :   congratulations, your origams are very beautifuls, thanks Noemia
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Name :   Ita
Date :   January,31st,2006
Comment :   hi^^, you are really a good folder ^^ I really like origami but Im beginner in this ^^ so I learn much from you, thx a lot, but Im not upload it yet ^^,maybe next time .. may I know you more?
Email Address :
Date :   7/1/2006
URL :   
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