Copyright © 2017 - 2018 by M. Mukerji - all rights reserved.
All models designed and folded by M.Mukerji.
Florisma, 8/2018
Cosmos Flowers, 7/2018, and Bloomdiada, 8/2018
Goldilocks, and Calendula and Variation, 7/2018
Plum Blossom, and Frilly Octahedron and Icosahedron, 7/2018
Floral Truncated Tetrahedron, and Floral Truncated Octahedron, 5/2018
May Blossoms (before and after blooming), and Cypress Vine Dodecahedron, 4/2018
April Blossoms (before and after blooming), and Bloomsome, 4/2018
Novelty Sonobe and Variation, 3/2018, and Spring Bloom, 4/2018
Vinca, and Vinca Sonobe, 7/2017, and Verbena, 8/2017
Floral Sonobes and Pentas, 7/2017
Icosidodecahedron, 7/2017
Inspired by a Cuboctahedron model from 1980s by Natale Fietta
Knotty Cubes, 7/2017
Blossom Cube, 7/2017, and Star Jasmine, 3/2017